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Harga Terbaik Pantene Shampoo Hair Fall Control 130 ml Tiap Varian dan Ukuran

Warungnya Arka
Pantene Shampoo

Rp130 / ml

Rekomendasi dari 26 penawaran Bebas Ongkir

Pantene Shampoo Hair Fall Control 130 ml


Dikirim dari Tangerang.

Beli sekarang di Blibli
Hypermart Online
Pantene Shampoo

Rp222 / ml

Rekomendasi dari 1 penawaran Official Store

Pantene Shampoo Hair Fall Control 130 ml


Dikirim dari Bandung.

Beli sekarang di Hypermart

Harga Pantene Shampoo Hair Fall Control 130 ml di Blibli Selengkapnya

Harga hari ini Rp16.950
Harga terendah Rp16.950 (Rp130 / ml)
Harga tertinggi Rp16.950 (Rp130 / ml)

Harga Pantene Shampoo Hair Fall Control 130 ml di Hypermart Selengkapnya

Harga hari ini Rp28.850
Harga terendah Rp18.990 (Rp146 / ml)
Harga tertinggi Rp28.850 (Rp222 / ml)

Harga Pantene Shampoo Hair Fall Control 130 ml di Alfamart Selengkapnya

Harga terendah Rp17.900 (Rp138 / ml)
Harga tertinggi Rp17.900 (Rp138 / ml)

Harga Pantene Shampoo Hair Fall Control 130 ml di Alfamidi Selengkapnya

Harga terendah Rp19.100 (Rp147 / ml)
Harga tertinggi Rp19.100 (Rp147 / ml)

Harga Pantene Shampoo Hair Fall Control 130 ml di Tokopedia Selengkapnya

Harga terendah Rp26.000 (Rp200 / ml)
Harga tertinggi Rp26.000 (Rp200 / ml)

Harga Pantene Shampoo Hair Fall Control 130 ml di Shopee Selengkapnya

Harga terendah Rp29.290 (Rp225 / ml)
Harga tertinggi Rp29.290 (Rp225 / ml)

Harga Pantene Shampoo Hair Fall Control 130 ml terbaik hari ini 17 Feb 2025 adalah Rp16.950

Pantene Shampoo terdiri dari 18 ukuran yaitu 130 ml, 10 ml, 900 ml, 1200 ml, 480 ml, 160 ml, 290 ml, 210 ml, 320 ml, 400 ml, 200 ml, 150 ml, 750 ml, 135 ml, 70 ml, 170 ml, 670 ml dan 110 ml dan tersedia dalam 10 varian yaitu Hair Fall Control, Total Damage Care, Anti Lepek, Anti Dandruff, Silky Smooth Care, Daily Moisture Renewal, Long Black, Fullness & Life, Black Glow dan Aqua Pure.

Harga paling hemat Pantene Shampoo Hair Fall Control 130 ml hari ini 17 Feb 2025 adalah Rp16.950 berlaku untuk Hair Fall Control ukuran 130 ml di Blibli sampai tanggal 24 Feb 2025. Berdasarkan 3 bulan terakhir, harga yang pernah ditawarkan adalah Rp16.950 hingga Rp28.850 dengan harga rata-ratanya sebesar Rp22.948.

Daftar harga Shampoo Pantene hari ini 17 Feb 2025

SKU Harga Harga per ml Toko
Pantene Shampoo Total Damage Care 900 ml Rp55.900 Rp62 / ml Blibli
Pantene Shampoo Anti Lepek 750 ml Rp55.900 Rp74 / ml
Pantene Shampoo Anti Dandruff 10 ml Rp796 Rp79 / ml Blibli
Pantene Shampoo Silky Smooth Care 10 ml Rp816 Rp81 / ml TIP TOP
Pantene Shampoo Hair Fall Control 10 ml Rp825 Rp82 / ml Blibli
Pantene Shampoo Total Damage Care 10 ml Rp825 Rp82 / ml TIP TOP
Pantene Shampoo Daily Moisture Renewal 10 ml Rp825 Rp82 / ml TIP TOP
Pantene Shampoo Total Damage Care 1200 ml Rp100.500 Rp83 / ml Blibli
Pantene Shampoo Anti Dandruff 900 ml Rp78.999 Rp87 / ml
Pantene Shampoo Anti Lepek 290 ml Rp26.730 Rp92 / ml
Pantene Shampoo Total Damage Care 210 ml Rp21.000 Rp100 / ml Blibli
Pantene Shampoo Daily Moisture Renewal 290 ml Rp29.500 Rp101 / ml
Pantene Shampoo Silky Smooth Care 290 ml Rp29.900 Rp103 / ml
Pantene Shampoo Hair Fall Control 900 ml Rp93.900 Rp104 / ml
Pantene Shampoo Anti Lepek 900 ml Rp100.200 Rp111 / ml Blibli
Pantene Shampoo Hair Fall Control 1200 ml Rp136.233 Rp113 / ml Blibli
Pantene Shampoo Anti Lepek 480 ml Rp55.990 Rp116 / ml
Pantene Shampoo Anti Dandruff 160 ml Rp18.990 Rp118 / ml
Pantene Shampoo Daily Moisture Renewal 160 ml Rp18.990 Rp118 / ml
Pantene Shampoo Total Damage Care 750 ml Rp89.300 Rp119 / ml Blibli
Pantene Shampoo Anti Dandruff 1200 ml Rp147.800 Rp123 / ml Blibli
Pantene Shampoo Hair Fall Control 290 ml Rp37.600 Rp129 / ml
Pantene Shampoo Anti Dandruff 290 ml Rp37.600 Rp129 / ml
Pantene Shampoo Total Damage Care 290 ml Rp37.600 Rp129 / ml
Pantene Shampoo Fullness & Life 290 ml Rp37.600 Rp129 / ml
Pantene Shampoo Long Black 290 ml Rp37.600 Rp129 / ml
Pantene Shampoo Black Glow 290 ml Rp37.600 Rp129 / ml
Pantene Shampoo Hair Fall Control 130 ml Rp16.950 Rp130 / ml Blibli
Pantene Shampoo Hair Fall Control 210 ml Rp27.700 Rp131 / ml Blibli
Pantene Shampoo Anti Dandruff 320 ml Rp42.900 Rp134 / ml Watsons
Pantene Shampoo Anti Dandruff 400 ml Rp54.400 Rp136 / ml
Pantene Shampoo Total Damage Care 400 ml Rp54.400 Rp136 / ml
Pantene Shampoo Fullness & Life 135 ml Rp18.490 Rp136 / ml
Pantene Shampoo Hair Fall Control 400 ml Rp55.590 Rp138 / ml
Pantene Shampoo Silky Smooth Care 400 ml Rp55.590 Rp138 / ml
Pantene Shampoo Silky Smooth Care 160 ml Rp22.900 Rp143 / ml
Pantene Shampoo Total Damage Care 160 ml Rp22.900 Rp143 / ml
Pantene Shampoo Long Black 160 ml Rp22.900 Rp143 / ml
Pantene Shampoo Aqua Pure 750 ml Rp107.850 Rp143 / ml TIP TOP
Pantene Shampoo Anti Dandruff 130 ml Rp19.500 Rp150 / ml Blibli
Pantene Shampoo Silky Smooth Care 130 ml Rp19.500 Rp150 / ml Blibli
Pantene Shampoo Total Damage Care 130 ml Rp19.500 Rp150 / ml Blibli
Pantene Shampoo Aqua Pure 200 ml Rp30.153 Rp150 / ml Blibli
Pantene Shampoo Anti Lepek 150 ml Rp22.650 Rp151 / ml TIP TOP
Pantene Shampoo Anti Dandruff 750 ml Rp115.200 Rp153 / ml
Pantene Shampoo Long Black 400 ml Rp62.000 Rp155 / ml
Pantene Shampoo Hair Fall Control 750 ml Rp116.400 Rp155 / ml
Pantene Shampoo Anti Lepek 400 ml Rp62.900 Rp157 / ml
Pantene Shampoo Hair Fall Control 135 ml Rp21.400 Rp158 / ml Blibli
Pantene Shampoo Long Black 135 ml Rp21.400 Rp158 / ml Blibli
Pantene Shampoo Anti Dandruff 210 ml Rp33.900 Rp161 / ml Blibli
Pantene Shampoo Aqua Pure 400 ml Rp66.840 Rp167 / ml
Pantene Shampoo Total Damage Care 135 ml Rp23.000 Rp170 / ml Blibli
Pantene Shampoo Anti Lepek 210 ml Rp35.725 Rp170 / ml TIP TOP
Pantene Shampoo Silky Smooth Care 210 ml Rp35.725 Rp170 / ml TIP TOP
Pantene Shampoo Long Black 130 ml Rp22.500 Rp173 / ml Blibli
Pantene Shampoo Total Damage Care 320 ml Rp58.500 Rp182 / ml Blibli
Pantene Shampoo Anti Dandruff 135 ml Rp25.000 Rp185 / ml Watsons
Pantene Shampoo Anti Lepek 135 ml Rp25.000 Rp185 / ml Watsons
Pantene Shampoo Daily Moisture Renewal 135 ml Rp25.000 Rp185 / ml Watsons
Pantene Shampoo Anti Dandruff 70 ml Rp13.900 Rp198 / ml Alfamart
Pantene Shampoo Daily Moisture Renewal 130 ml Rp25.800 Rp198 / ml Blibli
Pantene Shampoo Anti Lepek 70 ml Rp15.000 Rp214 / ml Blibli
Pantene Shampoo Daily Moisture Renewal 70 ml Rp15.150 Rp216 / ml TIP TOP
Pantene Shampoo Total Damage Care 70 ml Rp15.190 Rp217 / ml Blibli
Pantene Shampoo Hair Fall Control 70 ml Rp15.700 Rp224 / ml TIP TOP
Pantene Shampoo Silky Smooth Care 70 ml Rp15.700 Rp224 / ml TIP TOP
Pantene Shampoo Long Black 170 ml Rp40.000 Rp235 / ml Blibli
Pantene Shampoo Black Glow 750 ml Rp79.900 - Rp104.900 Rp106 / ml - Rp139 / ml Belum ada promo
Pantene Shampoo Total Damage Care 480 ml Rp47.900 - Rp47.900 Rp119 / ml - Rp119 / ml Belum ada promo
Pantene Shampoo Hair Fall Control 670 ml Rp106.900 - Rp119.700 Rp159 / ml - Rp178 / ml Belum ada promo
Pantene Shampoo Anti Dandruff 670 ml Rp106.900 - Rp106.900 Rp159 / ml - Rp159 / ml Belum ada promo
Pantene Shampoo Anti Dandruff 110 ml Rp17.900 - Rp18.900 Rp162 / ml - Rp171 / ml Belum ada promo
Pantene Shampoo Hair Fall Control 110 ml Rp17.900 - Rp18.900 Rp162 / ml - Rp171 / ml Belum ada promo
Pantene Shampoo Long Black 320 ml Rp60.000 - Rp60.000 Rp187 / ml - Rp187 / ml Belum ada promo
Pantene Shampoo Silky Smooth Care 320 ml Rp60.000 - Rp60.000 Rp187 / ml - Rp187 / ml Belum ada promo

Promo Sambut Ramadhan 2025

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